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melting but not down

Thursday, 3 September 2009


I thought mum had regressed to the "take me home now" diatribe when I went last night but she wasn't as angry with it as before and the mood quickly passed, anti-depressant starting to work? The staff are still concerned about her food and drink intake although she did have a few spoonfuls of pudding today. I couldn't persuade her to have a drink or even a malteser tonight, so I have no idea whether she's on the mend or still declining. Ha ha - declining - an unintentional pun!

I like the ward mum is on, its not full of barmy old ladies (just mum, lol) but just 4 beds and at the moment the other three are occupied by a woman in her twenties/early thirties, a woman in her forties and a very frail elderly woman. Mum was entertaining them last night with her loud observations on all and sundry - "is that a man in that bed over there?", "I feel sorry for her, she looks lonely", "they care more about how the beds look than the patients", "I haven't been since I came here" and so on.

A big bone of contention in the UK is hospital parking charges and at mum's hospital, the money goes to some developer, not back into the healthcare pot. It costs me £2 for 1-2 hours and last night I was 7 minutes over the 2 hours so it cost me £3! When I stayed with her all day the first time she was admitted, that cost £10. Someone's getting rich and it ain't me! I'm going to get a 'frequent visitor' card which should save me some money. Visiting again tonight and lovely daughter is coming with me.


Emily said...

Well, visiting your mom is never boring, at least!

Ick on the parking fees.

I hope today she'll have taken more nourishment...she doesn't sound as though she's wasting away, at least.

rilera said...

You are a good daughter Lily! I hope you mom's appetite comes roaring back soon.