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melting but not down

Monday, 1 December 2008

putting a brave face on it

Its not that I'm depressed, the Prozac keeps me from falling into the slough of despond, I'm just not quite right. Hence the short posts, the wee small hours blogging, the finding it preferable to read the paper and watch TV at a gathering of friends yesterday which, telling in itself, I attended sans maquillage. For someone as vain as I, that has got to be a significant indicator of loosening grip. I'm also not enjoying work as much at the moment, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by all that needs to be done. Maybe its just the cumulative effect of too many broken nights' sleep. Have my first appointment with the sleep clinic in a week's time, perhaps that will sort me out.


rilera said...

Lily do you seem to struggle more in the winter? The reason I'm asking is because I have something called Seasonal Affective Disorder which makes me more depressed in the winter. Once spring rolls around I feel lots better. I also use a lightbox daily to help lessen its affects.

Lily said...

Perhaps. I don't think I'm prone to feeling more low but I probably want to sleep more and feel less sociable. I should have been a bear, then I could be grizzly all the time!

rilera said...

Sleeping more and feeling less sociable are symptoms of SAD. You should check it out. I also have trouble concentrating at work. My lightbox really helps me.

Clippy Mat said...

lack of sleeper is a real downer. it is probably sucking the life force out of you. hope you get good results at he sleep clinic.
sending you warm hugs.

Lily said...

Thank you both for your kind thoughts. Sounds like I need to find out more about SAD.

Clippy Mat said...

jeez i wasn't drunk when i left that comment honestly. lack of sleeper??