3 months ago
When I started this blog in March 2008, I was steadily losing my grip, trying to cope with mum's (undiagnosed at that point) dementia and full time work. Prozac eventually saved me from total meltdown and mum spent her last couple of years much more settled in a care home. She died, aged 92, on 10 November 2011. Life will be very different from now on............
Me too Lily. I have silver at my temples and I use the dye.
I've been colouring my hair for ages rilera, but fortunately for the last year or so, I've been using the non-permanent 'lasts 6-8 washes' kind (except it lingers much longer) so I'm hoping the last remnants of dye will gradually fade away, without leaving root stripes. Seems to be working, I'm really looking forward to being a silver fox! I saw a woman in Morrisons on Saturday with wonderful long white/grey hair, held away from her face by black alice band. She looked amazing.
You will be a silver fox! You're one of those women who can carry it off I know.
Some people can carry it off really well. I have two friends who have long white hair and they look pretty foxy. lol
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