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melting but not down

Friday, 6 February 2009


Ta-doh :-(
Never knit when you're tired. Something went horribly wrong near the top of this between bedtime on Friday night and Saturday afternoon at mum's, so I spent all last night pulling out and re-knitting. Just when I thought I'd sorted it out, I noticed that the second and third rhs triangles (up from the rib and next to the lacy bits) didn't go to a proper point, like the first one. So now I've pulled out two thirds of the work above. Grr. Perfectionism is a curse.

Makes you wonder though, maybe Penelope wasn't doing her best to remain faithful to Odysseus, maybe she was just a neurotic weaver.


cornbread hell said...

that's really cool. what is it?

Clippy Mat said...

pretty snazzy. what a great idea to keep your mind off other stuff and to produce something worthwhile at the same time. i just drink. :-)

Lily said...

Its the back of a waistcoat. The yarn changes shades every so often, hence the slightly stripy look. When its done, I plan on wearing it over a white shirt and black pencil skirt. With black high heels, of course!

cornbread hell said...

i sure hope you'll post pictures. (pencil skirt & high heels... holy moly!)

Annie said...

Oooh, pretty pretty. Nice knitting, Lily!

rilera said...

Lily, that is wonderful! You are quite a good knitter. It's going to be lovely over a white shirt and black skirt.

Marian Dean said...

Gosh! well done. Looks good enough to wear...LOL
Can't wait to see the finished item.
Love Granny (*!*)

cornbread hell said...

re: the edit.

forget the f***ing knitting, woman. let's see you in those heels!

Lily said...

rofl! You may be right Cornbread. I pulled the whole flaming lot out last night and started again.

oldcrow61 said...

You do have patience. I would have tossed it by now, lol. It's going to be lovely though.