3 months ago
When I started this blog in March 2008, I was steadily losing my grip, trying to cope with mum's (undiagnosed at that point) dementia and full time work. Prozac eventually saved me from total meltdown and mum spent her last couple of years much more settled in a care home. She died, aged 92, on 10 November 2011. Life will be very different from now on............
& i'm excited for you.
Oh! I though that was Barbie's leg.
I had one of those a few years back, he let me look at the screen. It was fascinating.
Wow. What'd I give to be in your shoes. Every day I get up and say, "Perhaps today will be the day I need a transthoracic echocardiogram." And lay my head that night in a bed of disappointment. Great blog!
UF Mike
Cheers UF Mike! Keep dropping by x
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