3 months ago
When I started this blog in March 2008, I was steadily losing my grip, trying to cope with mum's (undiagnosed at that point) dementia and full time work. Prozac eventually saved me from total meltdown and mum spent her last couple of years much more settled in a care home. She died, aged 92, on 10 November 2011. Life will be very different from now on............
If you continue to feel in your heart that something is just not right then don't discount it. Although it could just be fatigue and depression, it could be something that the doctors have missed.
ROFL! Its being so cheerful keeps us going! Was it Abe Lincoln who said 'most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be'? Good philosophy, I should take note.
HBP is nasty & dangerous. I have a family history of it, and have seen some of the effects of uncontrolled HBP so make sure you keep it low.
I believe that it can cause some enlargement of the heart because the heart has to work harder to deal with it, but as long as the HBP is cotrolled it doesn't get any worse. It can make you tired and breathless though.
I'll get back off my soapbox now. One of my relatives suffered awful health problems due to uncontrolled HBP, all avoidable if it's caught in time, so I do go on a bit about it!
Glad they didn't find anything horrible.
You have a lovely kind heart, Honoria, thank you for caring x x
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