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melting but not down

Monday, 26 May 2008

Things that are stressing me out at the moment...

  1. My son's bunny boiler girlfriend and her potential for catastrophic harm
  2. My mother
  3. My general knackerdness which means I'm not getting as much done at work as I'd like
  4. Stress induced itchiness that wakes me up in the middle of the night (see post time!)
  5. Being at least a stone and a half more than I'd like to weigh
  6. The state of the hall, landing and stairs - the next mammoth redecorating task
  7. Turning 57 in three weeks' time - a cruel joke, surely there's been a miscalculation?

1 comment:

Wilf said...

Hello Lily
thankyou for linking to Wilf's World - I will return the favour! Hope your bank holiday is restful.